Kasturi Manjal (wild Turmeric)
Kasturi Manjal is also known as Cucuma aromatic or wild turmeric. Among the various turmeric varieties, wild turmeric is best for external applications. It also effectively treats the skin ailments such as eczema, acne and insect bites. Unlike regular turmeric, Kasturi Manjal does not stain in the skin and it is very fragrant. It is only used for external applications.
We also use Kasturi Manial in de Manjistha soap. See below the benefits of this ingredient:
- Kasturi Manjal has a unique and natural uplifting aroma.
- It has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammation properties which are proven to fight against acne-causing bacteria.
- The antioxidant properties of wild turmeric help in preserving your skin against the harmful UV rays of the sun and help rejuvenate your skin.
- It may remove dead skin cells and deep cleanse your skin pores and provide natural radiance and glow to the skin.
- You can observe increased skin luminosity with regular use and give a natural glow to your face and skin.
For best results, moisten the soap and rub it several times with your hands. Then apply the soap to your skin with your hands and massage lightly with circular movements. You can also use a skin brush or a loofah sponge for this. Rinse off with warm water. Your skin is now properly cleansed. We recommend using a face oil of the Green Goddess afterwards.